Grand River - Lower Section

The Lower Grand is a phenomenal warm water fishery from the opening of the walleye season in May, through to the end of bass season in November. Carp, pike, crappie, drum, steelhead, channel catfish, and mooneye are all present. Mooneye in particular offer the fly angler a fun additional fishery when other species have slowed down. They will rise to dries during summer hatches. You’ll notice that the fishing dies down around dusk when the big channel cats move in. If you’re keen on checking out the mooneye bite, try wading the section from Caledonia to York. There is excellent public access at Brantford, Caledonia, York and at many other bridge crossings, parks and points along the river.

The section below Caledonia is conducive to a mid-summer walk and wade with an 8 wt. Arm yourself with a selection of crayfish, leech and minnow patterns and enjoy the bass and carp! The areas downstream of both the dam at Brantford and the dam at Dunnville tend to favour fishing from a boat. Both spots are renowned channel cat fisheries, though you might have to switch to conventional casting gear and bait to have success.

If you’re intending to fish this section of river for Great Lakes steelhead, do you homework using satellite imagery to find possible fish holding areas. The river becomes very nondescript in sections which makes it exceptionally difficult to read.

Species most often caught: Smallmouth Bass - Largemouth Bass- Pike - Walleye - Carp - Panfish - Great Lakes Steelhead (seasonal) - Catfish - Mooneye

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