Your Fishing Forecast for August 21st!

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  • By The Drift Team


Fishing Forecast for August 21st!

One word sums up the last week - RAIN!

Yep, it's been a cold and wet week around here, but that means that salmon and trout fishing is looking to be very good in the next couple weeks! With rising water levels, salmon are now coming into our rivers in large numbers. Cooler temperatures also mean that resident trout are happy and feeding aggressively.

Late August can be a thrilling time to be a river angler as there is a tonne of choice both for species and rivers. Early season lake run brown trout, Atlantic salmon, and steelhead are always a potential bonus around this time too!

Check out the full forecast below to plan your weekend!


Bass Forecast
Smallmouth can be found in shallow water near rocks, points, docks, and other structure in the morning and evening hours. On cool days, they may be found in shallower depths all day long! On hotter days, (especially if it's sunny), you may go deeper and target points, walls and weedbeds adjacent to deeper water (10-25'). Poppers, clouser minnows, and crayfish patterns are all good bets! Fish in the Great Lakes often come shallower from 5-10' in mid to late August, making it a great time to find big fish!
Trout Forecast
With cooler weather arriving, we're excited to capitalize on some late summer trout! Many of our rivers, with the notable exception of the Grand River (which runs hot most of the summer), have cooled to fishable temperatures. Keep an eye on temps, but there is definitely a window on cooler days to get out there!
Dries like small grasshoppers, beetles, and ants can work very well this time of year. Don't be afraid to try streamers in faster water as well!
Salmon are starting to show up in numbers on some rivers! Fish have been confirmed in several tributaries close to home. The coldest rivers (think about where we have good trout fishing), usually get the earliest fish, with more urban rivers getting later runs. Get in touch with us and we can point you in the right direction for these large fish!


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